Saturday, November 25, 2017


This week we talked about fathers. My father is the most hard working man I know. He is the “breadwinner” and provides for us. We had a family of six growing up. Mom, dad, Lyle, Lyman, Lynsey and I. I remember dad working a lot but he was also home at the end of the day. He has had his job for over 30 years and has worked his way up to his position. He didn’t finish high school but has made a way to provide for our family. I love all that he has and does for us. With his example of hard work and family values, I’ve found a role model for a spouse.
We live in a world where fathers are usually still the breadwinner but it is also common for women now to work. With all of these changes in the economy and life in general we can see how this has an affect on the family. When both parents work and are gone a lot we can see the effects on marriage and children. Maybe the children get caught up in bad habits, or parents have marital problems.
We see in old movies when families lived and worked on a farm they were happy together. That was not only their lifestyle, it was how they made a living. Before the industrial revolution, we could see how common it was for women to clean the home, do laundry , made food and take care of the children. The father would run the farm and children would also tend to the farm. They had work time before play time.
Before we studied and discussed father’s and finances this week I thought about my role in my future family. I want to be able to provide for my family as well and work. Yet when we talked about how two incomes is not always better than one, it opened my mind. Women today might feel meaningless when they are home taking care of children and doing housework. But I’ve realized that one of the most meaningful things a mother can do is teach her children how to love, communicate, feel secure, and more. I loved growing up and coming home and knowing my mom was there.
When a father provides, protects and presided over his family, there will be happiness. The mother also having an equal role can create an atmosphere of great possibilities. This doesn’t mean the father is not involved in house chores or tending the children. He also can do dishes, laundry, play with the children and more.
Sometimes this family ideal sounds so old fashioned or unrealistic. However, these expectations and patterns will help us have a good family life. Of course finances might be tight at times but hard work will pay off. These times can bring the family closer.
For me, it will take a lot of faith and hard work to stay at home. As a woman, I want to get a degree and work. But I also want to be a mother and raise a family. Just recently I have come to realize I don’t have to choose either or. I don’t have to choose education over a family or a career over family. I can have them all as I consider the fact of time. It is great to be educated and get a degree. Heaven forbid anything happen to my future husband but if it happens I can have a degree to help me get a job. It is also great to have knowledge to share with children. I can also work from home or find other ways to make means. But with marriage and family being a priority means greater happiness.

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